When school systems have to reduce their staffs, the procedure is generally referred to as reduction in force, or RIF. The reasons for instituting a reduction in force are generally lower student enrollments, reduced turnover among teachers, a movement of students from public to private school, change in program, greater unwillingness by weak teachers to resign, and reduced school budgets because of inflation, reduction in tax revenues, and elimination of federal or other funding. The termination of employment because of necessary reductions in force is brought about by factors other than personal failure on the teacher's part. The need for RIF is realized because of some external factors not related to the performance or lack of performance of an employee.
Reduction in force for teachers (any employee of the St. Martin Parish School Board whose legal employment requires a teaching certificate) and all administrators of the system will be made on a system-wide basis within each targeted subject area or area of certification. As appropriate and possible, administrative and supervisory positions will be reduced commensurate with the reductions in the number of teaching positions.
Criteria for Reduction
The criteria for reduction should provide that the primary consideration shall be maintenance of a sound and balanced educational program that is consistent with the functions and responsibilities of the School Board. After determining that the laying off of teachers and administrators is necessary, the following primary and secondary criteria shall be observed:
Primary Criteria:
Effectiveness (Effectiveness will be determined by the cumulative effectiveness rating of the teacher/administrator as determined by the performance evaluation program promulgated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:3881 through 3905. RIF shall be instituted by dismissing the least effective teacher within each targeted subject area or area of certification first, and then proceeding by effectiveness rating until the reduction in force has been accomplished.)
Performance and/or Demand
Secondary Criteria:
Certification (Teachers not holding a Louisiana certificate will be terminated first.)
Tenure (Any teacher having achieved and maintained tenure at the time RIF is instituted shall be given preference relative to those who remain in a probationary status.)
Seniority (Those teachers having the least number of years of teaching experience in St. Martin Parish will be terminated first.)
Notice of Reduction
A general notice shall be given to all teachers in respective subject areas and/or areas of certification when the Superintendent has determined that RIF is necessary in those areas. The general notice will be given at least thirty (30) days prior to giving individual employees notice of layoff. If the Superintendent acts to terminate employment, written notice of that fact shall be given by the Superintendent to the teacher to be terminated by registered mail.
Within ten (10) calendar days after receiving a notice of termination, a teacher may request a review of the action of the Superintendent. The review, to be conducted by the Superintendent or his/her designee, will be solely to determine whether the decision to terminate was in compliance with this policy. Within ten (10) calendar days after receiving the request for review, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide written notice of the results of the review. Upon receipt of the written results, the teacher shall have ten (10) calendar days to file a grievance through the St. Martin Parish School Board grievance policy.
Within reason, a certified and qualified individual, whose employment has been terminated, will be first to be re-employed as a job becomes available. It is understood that the individual has to be in good standing with the system in order to be reemployed. If several former teachers are suited for a position that is available, the Superintendent shall select the one based upon the primary and secondary criteria used in the implementation of the RIF. Any and all provisions of this policy shall yield to existing State law, when held to be in conflict with said law or laws.
Reduction in force for employees not evaluated through the performance evaluation program promulgated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:3881 through 3905 shall be directed toward establishing an orderly process for reassignment, reclassification, reduction in work schedule, and/or termination within a category of employees based upon the following criteria:
Performance and effectiveness as determined by School Board policy.
Certification or academic preparation, if applicable.
Categories are defined within a program or area of responsibility within a school.
Notice of Reduction
A general notice shall be given to all employees in respective categories when the Superintendent has determined that RIF is necessary in those categories. The general notice will be given at least thirty (30) days prior to giving individual employees notice of layoff. If the Superintendent acts to terminate employment, written notice of that fact shall be given by the Superintendent to the employee to be terminated by registered mail.
Within ten (10) calendar days after receiving a notice of termination, an employee may request a review of the action of the Superintendent. The review, to be conducted by the Superintendent or his designee, will be solely to determine whether the decision to terminate was in compliance with this policy. Within ten (10) calendar days after receiving the request for review, the Superintendent or his designee shall provide written notice of the results of the review. Upon receipt of the written results, the employee shall have ten (10) calendar days to file a grievance through the St. Martin Parish School Board grievance policy.
Revised: December, 2009
Revised: March 2, 2011
Revised: June 6, 2012
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:81.4
Board minutes, 6-3-09, 1-6-10, 3-2-11, 6-6-12
St. Martin Parish School Board