In addition to the existing policy IFBGA, Student Technology Acceptable Use and Internet Safety, the following expectations must be adhered to by all students participating in the St. Martin Parish School Board’s Laptop Initiative. A signed copy of the Student User Agreement, bearing signatures of both the student and a parent or guardian, must be on file with the Supervisor of Technology.
1) |
Each sixth grade student participating in the study shall be provided with a School Board-owned Macbook computer. This computer is to be used for school purposes and, while at school, is not for the personal and private use of students beyond schoolwork.
2) |
Students may not deface, tamper with, or willfully damage any School Board-owned computer. This includes computers assigned to other students or faculty members. For example:
3) |
The school's wireless network is provided for the educational mission of the school and may not be misused, tampered with, or otherwise willfully harmed. Deliberate violation of this policy shall result in severe consequences, as it could harm the entire school community. With this in mind, any violation of this policy shall result in an immediate intervention involving the teacher, principal, the Supervisor of Technology, and the student's family.
Violations include:
4) |
Students must bring a fully-charged computer to school each day. Failure to do so means that the student is unprepared, and this could result in grading penalties, disciplinary action, some loss of privilege, or any combination of these.
5) |
It is expected that students shall follow established backup and saving policies to insure that all school work is properly saved. This shall allow us to help recover items should there be a problem with an individual student computer. Failure to save or back up data properly could result in a loss of important work, and the school assumes no responsibility for any lost data not correctly archived.
6) |
Use of School Board-owned computers at home for purposes other than school work is entirely at the discretion of students' parents or guardians. The St. Martin Parish School Board urges families to be proactive in the online lives of students, engaging in frank and frequent discussions about computer usage. It is advised that families construct a home version of an acceptable use policy, with the following suggestions:
7) |
Incidental and accidental damage to School Board-owned computers can be avoided with careful and thoughtful use. If damage does occur, students should report the damage to a teacher, parent, or principal immediately. If the damage cannot be fixed quickly, a "loaner" computer shall be assigned to the student, if available, with all Student User Agreements still applicable. When the damaged computer is repaired, the "loaner" must be returned in the same condition in which it was assigned. An incident report shall be filed describing the extent of damage and the cause.
8) |
If a student is consistently careless with a computer, resulting in the need for more than two (2) extensive repairs in a school year, families shall be called for a conference with the principal and the Supervisor of Technology to discuss possible penalties for continued breakage.
9) |
The computers are warranted for damage, but not for loss. However, if it is lost or stolen, this must be reported immediately. In the case of loss, the student's family shall be liable for the cost of replacing the computer. In the case of theft, the Board shall require a police report and the matter will be turned over to the business office to be handled as an insurance matter. In either case, immediate dialog is essential to ensure the possible recovery of any missing computer.
10) |
Peripheral devices (printers, cameras, any number of USB "gadgets") may be used with School Board-owned computers, but devices not provided by the school are used at the student's own risk. While the technology support staff will help as much as possible with such devices, such help and support is secondary to the essential functions of the school technology program and will prioritized as such.
11) |
St. Martin Parish School Board technology support staff is not meant to be "tech support" for the student’s home needs. Technology support staff will offer help and advice ONLY to aid in ensuring the best possible education for the students.
12) |
Use of School Board-owned computers for any illegal activity is strictly forbidden. This includes the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material. If a student is unsure about the legality of a particular use, the matter should be discussed first with the classroom teacher for clarification.
13) |
Use of School Board-owned computers (or any digital means) to engage in bullying, defamation, threatening, terrorizing, or other behavior that is potentially harmful to any member of the school community (or beyond) is a serious matter and could lead to serious sanctions. The School Board’s desire is for students to be models of exceptional Internet behavior, not examples of poorly made choices. Any student who chooses to bully, harass, threaten, terrorize, defame, or otherwise comment in a negative light in a manner that is harmful to the character or well-being of any student or other individual shall receive appropriate consequences as outlined in the St. Martin Parish Discipline Handbook. |
In addition to the above, policy IFBGA, Student Technology Acceptable Use and Internet Safety applies to all computer users in St. Martin Parish. This policy is supplemental and is intended to address issues unique to the one-to-one program being implemented at the elementary school level at select schools. Ultimately, if a student, parent, or guardian is in doubt about any use or possible misuse of a School Board-owned computer or the School Board-operated network, it is advisable to ask questions first of the teacher, then the Supervisor of Technology for clarification. Students will receive fuller instruction on the day-to-day functions of this program, and individual teachers will have specific needs for each class which must also be adhered to. If any substantial addition or change to this policy should be necessary, written notification (requiring parent and student signatures) shall be sent home.
Failure to abide by this policy may result in a loss of computer privileges, disciplinary consequences, and in some cases, monetary charges.
Each student issued a School Board-owned laptop computer and each such student’s parent/legal guardian shall sign the Student User Agreements which acknowledge receipt of the acceptable use policies and consequences for abuse/misuse of the laptop computer assigned for his/her use.
New policy: March, 2008
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:100.7
Board minutes, 12-5-07
St. Martin Parish School Board